Watch this video to go behind the scenes.

Every Barrel Has A Story.

Established in 2010, we think about the journey our customers have taken us on. In particular, the journey of their own lives and how we captivate their memories into an authentic whiskey barrel creation. We never thought we would end up being so much a part of people’s lives and special moments. We love listening to them share their life stories of family, friendship, and love as we work together to craft something reflective of those stories. It has created loving friendships that go well beyond the transaction of a whiskey barrel.

If you are looking for something special, personal, one of a kind, something to be passed down from generation to generation, then we invite you to visit us.  Cheers! 

What’s Your Story?

Connecting with our customers, hearing their stories, seeing their vision and being able to serve them through our products is immensely satisfying to us. We love building long lasting relationships with our local community of barrel enthusiasts, craftsmen, and artisans. We are continually amazed and humbled by the incredible ideas and talent our customers have shared.

From local business owners who want to make their restaurants and storefronts stand out, to couples or families commemorating a special event, to charities who use our barrels to proudly display their emblems. Our customers have used our barrels in so many different, creative ways.

What’s your vision? Let us help you fulfill it!

Spotlight on Tom Chostner, Owner of Antioch Barrel

Meet the Barrel Artist Behind the Scenes…

Hello everyone, Tom here with Antioch Barrel. As I celebrate my 10th year of serving customers, I think about the journey my customers have taken me on. In particular, the journey of their own lives and how we captivate their memories into an authentic whiskey barrel creation. I never thought I would end up being so much a part of people’s lives and special moments. I love listening to them share their life stories of family, friendship and love as we work together to craft artwork reflective of those stories. It has created loving friendships that go well beyond the transaction of a whiskey barrel.

If you are looking for something special, personal, one of a kind, something to be passed down from generation to generation, then I invite you to a private appointment at a time of your convenience. Please call me at (224) 430-3121, or click the button below to email me.

Check out these videos to go behind the scenes with Antioch Barrel.